
I'm Huriah Dawnbringer, and run the band Helheim. I started barding on Final Fantasy back in 2021, and have now grown my independent band to five characters.I specialize in Metal, Punk, Alternative, and Classic Rock, and regularly edit punk and/or metal versions of popular songs. So if you want to hear a punk style cover of Dolly Parton or Madonna, hit me up.I am taking bookings and requests, and am always up for getting to know and collaborate with my fellow bards. I've listed my entire catalogue, which also includes everything I edited for solo use.If there's something you'd like to hear on quintet that's on my other lists, let me know and I'll be sure to add it to the top of my backlog of conversions. Most songs I've finished editing are quick and easy to convert to 4 to 5 parts, so please don't be shy in asking.All that said, thank you for taking the time to check out my band. As socially awkward as I tend to be, being able to 'socialize' through music has been such an enormous blessing for me. It's really nice when the 'Tism decides to aid me in my endeavors, rather than act as a roadblock. So for those of you that enjoy what I do, thank you.-H

Lore and Backgrounds

Led by front woman, Huriah Dawnbringer, Helheim is a band of questionable taste and talent. Its members are as varied as their typical sets, with friendships that stretch for many years and across dimensions. Their sounds range from angelic choir to 'dear, lord, what is that unholy racket?!', but do they listen to the naysayers? No!They've sustained a not insignificant amount of hearing loss from amps being kept cranked and blasts from the pyrotechnics Huriah has experimented with for their live shows. Donations to the Deaf, Drugged, and Down to Rock foundation being taken in the basement of Club Helheim, conveniently located in the Empirium on Jenova - W5 - P17.

Niak Godsbane

Name - Niak GodsbaneHailing from one of the harshest deserts known, Niak grew up where few thought was possible to live, quickly earning respect and the reputation for near unprecedented feats of strength among his tribe by the time he was barely an adult. Soon there after, he decided to venture into the world at large, leaving the sands and scrub he grew up with for the promise of a true challenge.He made a living working as a mercenary, always prioritizing jobs that would be likely to let him fight the biggest and strongest creatures in the lands. It was for one of these jobs that he encountered Xanzelle, who was after the same bounty as himself. With strong magnetism on both sides, the two have been involved romantically ever since, and still commonly work bounties together.Likes - Tests of strength, giant wildlife, explorationDislikes - Meddling gods, the nobility, magicSexuality - Likes womenSpecial Skills - Inhuman levels of strength, tracking, intimidation

Iz Heartwood

Name - Iz HeartwoodThe son of a prominent Elezen family, Iz grew up in luxury. However, when his father tried to force him to marry a woman he couldn't stand for political reasons, he left that life behind entirely. After fleeing in the middle of the night shortly before his wedding day, he's made a living by traveling and performing odd jobs.He is also very close with his bandmate, Xanzelle, who he took under his wing almost immediately after meeting to teach her the street skills needed to survive on her own in a large and unfamiliar city. While not blood related, they consider themselves to be unofficial siblings.Likes - the bass, flirting with anything that moves (and sometimes things that don't), well organized heists, drag performancesDislikes - sobriety, robust law enforcement, taking anything but the most extreme incidents seriouslySexuality - Yes.Special Skills - infiltration, strategy, female impersonation

Zebby Torana

Name - Zebby ToranaZebby was born into a more unusual family than the others. Worshipers in a death cult, her parents were the equivalent of nobility in their sect, which came with certain expectations other children of the gentry would not likely have to deal with. Specifically, that their female offspring be dedicated to the priesthood.Zebby never showed skill with magics past the most basic of spells. As her training proceeded through her teen years, and she fell further and further behind her peers, she caught wind of her parents' plans to "handle" her permanently to erase what they considered their biggest disappointment. She managed to flee, barely escaping with her life, and has been running since.Likes - Well made blades, fighting, singing, danger in general.Dislikes - Orthodox religions, boredom, confining spaces.Sexuality - Preference for men, but not strict.Special Skills - intimidation, escape tactics, underworld contacts and knowledge

Xanzelle Ormesang

Name - Xanzelle OrmesangBorn in a small, forested village, Xanzelle has been on her own since just before adulthood. Raised to be another guardian of the forest, her path was irrevocably destroyed when the village was set upon by a small group of mages wielding dark and forbidden magics. She believes she is the only survivor, but cannot be certain after losing conscious in the attack.Soon after the incident, she took what she could carry and made her way to the first large city she could get to, which was when she met Iz. The skills he taught her combined with he himself working together with her gave her the knowledge and skill necessary to survive on the streets while she taught him about basic medicine and herbalism.Likes - Forests, fighting and/or befriending large wildlife, alchemical experimentation, travel.Dislikes - Orders, arrogance, bright lights.Sexualtiy - Prefers men.Special Skills - Shadow jumping, master herbalist, unparalleled researcher

Huriah Dawnbringer

Name - Huriah DawnbringerBrought up by parents that were experimental mages, Huriah had all the components to reach her fullest potential, to change the world, and to do great things. Well, that didn't happen.Explosions in her boarding school, the kinds of 'pranks' that many nations consider war crimes, the proliferation of a new hallucinogen created in said boarding school's labs, and three mysterious disappearances of fellow students saw to that. Her decision to quit school was mutual.Since then, she's carved out a place for herself, and runs a successful security business as well as leading the band. She's never been the type to stay put anywhere long, or establish many significant ties, but this band and her fellow musicians are a welcome exception.Likes - Her personal laboratory, Tonberry recruitment and employment, this club she's not allowed to talk about.Dislikes - Ethics board investigations, too many questions about the blood trade, the phrase "calm down".Sexuality - Likes men, usually too preoccupied with random experiments and projects to do much about it.Special Skills - Electronic genius, extremely adept at thinking with and using portals, improvisation.

Contact Me

Questions? Comments? Favorite obscenities? Want to hire the band?Feel free to contact me in game - Huriah Dawnbringer on JenovaJust want to leave a quick blurb instead? Hit my message books -
On Discord - kalicalamity